The SA 709 welding machine is used for welding of vertical welds using the TIG method.
welding of vertical seams by the TIG method
two controlled axes - vertical, rotary
the possibility of setting programs according to the diameter and length of the weld
at the request of the customer, the machine is equipped with a press for pressing out the welding jigs
Plasma weld surfacing automate PPC 250 HG (now on stock) serves for weld surfacing of simple rotary parts from face or onto the circuit (seats, wedges and cones of armatures, centring rings, bottoms and closing heads of glass moulds, etc.) by PTA method with powder. Read more ...
Preparation of machines before shipping to customers. The PPC 250 GMR type is one of the most popular due to its properties. We successfully export them abroad, specifically these machines will go to India, one new, the other overhauled at the customer's request. Read more ...
Welding automatic machine with two welding places. Read more ...
Basic information KSK, s.r.o.
KSK s.r.o. was established in 1991 as a private Czech company specialised in custom-made construction and production of special and single-purpose machines and devices. Its aim is to meet the complete range of our customers’ needs from the selection or development of suitable technology to the construction and production of a machine. Training of servicing staff, technical support and service throughout the machine life-time are a matter of course. KSK s.r.o. is also involved in other business activities, for instance the sale of auxiliary materials for welding, mechanical water filters, etc.
+ construction and production of machines for welding and surfacing
+ technical and consulting services for technological processes of welding and surfacing
+ technical and consulting services for the selection of auxiliary materials
+ sale of welding materials of the voestalpine Böhler Welding, ALUNOX GmbH, ESAB, DEW
+ renovation of worn-out parts
+ co-operation with welding and surfacing
+ construction and production of testing benches
+ repair, overhaul and modernization of machines, including electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic ones
+ production and sale of filters for mechanical impurities
Podbranská 128
Czech Republic
Telefon: +420 465 461 581
Telefax: +420 465 461 599
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IČ: 15028208; DIČ: CZ15028208
Firma je zapsaná v Obchodním
rejstříku u Krajského soudu
v Hradci Králové, oddíl C27, vložka 211